Snow Leopard On PC - YouTube

A YouTube video showing a complete hack rig in action Check it out, LogDoggie's rig is fast Snow Leopard 10.6.2 on Intel Pentium E5200 Dual-Core @ 2.50 GHz - 3.0 GHz by LogDoggie on DECEMBER 20, 2009 Running Mac OS X Snow Leopard 10.6.2 Build 10C540 On my Intel PC! my specs are below of my setup and how I installed it :p

LogDoggie's Setup:

Intel Pentium E5200 Dual-Core @ 2.50 GHz - 3.0 GHz (Stable Overclock) 2 GB DDR2 SDRAM @ 800 MHz - 960 MHz (Stable Overclock) 

Palit GeForce 9500 GT Super 1024MB 

1 320GB SATA HDD (This one has WinXP and Win7) 

1 320 PATA HDD (Both HDD's are linked because of the Bootloader - this HDD has Hackintosh on it) 

350 W Power Supply FSP ~_~ 

Sony Trinitron 200ES @ 1280x1024 - SXGA Connected

I used SnowOSX Universal.. Everything works perfectly guys (after getting the video and audio drivers)! I just had to solve 1 kernel panic about the ATA Driver which was easy to fix, I used the USB Install method onto a partition.. let it install, and woopie! Snow Leopard installed.. fixed the kernel panic, and then I was able to boot straight into it!
Snow Leopard On PC - USB Method and don't ask me where I got SnowOSX Universal,GOOGLE is your friend! :)